Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Think for YOURSELF

           You may be surprised to hear that West Virginia is a contested state this upcoming mid-semester election season. Whether you believe it or not, Republican John Raese leads Democrat Joe Manchin in West Virginia’s rough Senate race. The race is being contested by the overall approval ratings of President Obama. Obama’s job approval in the state dropped two points, putting his job approval right at 27 percent. Many citizens, totaling nearly 65 percent, said that Obama’s policies had hurt the state’s economy. The most extreme policy that they felt affected this rate the most was the health care reform bill. However arguments were thrown around that the health care reform bill would not allow people to keep their current health insurance as well as providing inadequate care. This may be what the voters of West Virginia believe will happen but so far the bill proves both to be wrong. What annoys me is that American voters are casting their votes based on what other people are telling them. To become more informed on an issue and form your own beliefs about the issue, LOOK IT UP. Don’t let other people change the way you think about a certain topic. From my own experiences in talking to people and “educated” voters, no one really knows what this health care reform bill will actually do to their insurance in the future. Americans need to become more educated about an issue before they argue for or against it. Read this blog to learn more about health care in America and develop YOUR own opinion rather than letting other people mess with you.


  1. I agree completely. Voters need to think for their selves and stop being influenced by other people. Often times these “other people” have no education whatsoever regarding the health bill and are just repeating comments they heard from someone else. Just like you said above, if America is going to get anywhere people need to start educating themselves about issues before they argue.

  2. Thanks for the agreement. Edcuation is the key for this country moving on from issues.
