Friday, October 22, 2010

Interesting Political Cartoons


  1. Those political cartoons are really clever! Nice finds. I really like the last cartoon with the doctor and patient in a hospital room. Because I know that the health care bill is anticipated to be a negative change, your cartoons definitely describes what the future holds for Americans in regards to health care.

  2. one thing if you noticed in the last cartoon that makes it even more political is that the doctor is actually President Obama, which i find quite humorous. He is doing his best to solve the issue at hand, but it stil might backfire on him. I like that you found cartoons from both sides of the argument as to not show biased. How old are these cartoons? And from what source did you find them? it is good to have a laugh at your subject every once and a while

  3. I found these cartoons humorous as well. They really capture a large part of what so many Americans feel is wrong with health care reform but also show that American voters need to be educated about what they are debating over.
