Monday, October 18, 2010

My Theory on Health Care Reform

         After drafting my analysis post I began to theorize about how the recent health care reform bill can be revised to include provisions for both sides of this recent issue; the republicans and democrats. The polarization has arisen because of the opposition republicans present in stating that they reject any notion of government-run universal health care because of the evidence seen around the world that government-run health care causes debt and inefficiencies. In order to diminish the polarization of these varying opinions, the two parties need to come together on provisions. Both agree that every citizen should be able to stay under their parent’s health care insurance until the age of 26. Also, both call for Americans to be able to stay under their current health insurance. Where they differ is in cleaning the health care market of some available health care plans. Americans should be allowed to keep their current health care insurance if they enjoy the benefits, however Americans who cannot afford current health care should be offered health care insurance from the government. In my opinion, republicans and democrats need to educate the American public about the bill and its provisions because many are uneducated; often arguing about a bill they know nothing about. Instead of arguing about what they disagree upon, the bill needs to be put into the perspective that the current health care system in America does not work; these reforms will improve the system.  


  1. I agree. One of the biggest problems concerning health-care reformation is that often times Americans have no idea what they are talking about. Educating the public about health-care I think will get both Republican and Democratic parties to agree on certain revisions. If the public does not become educated we will be at the stand-still argument our country is presently in and no one will be happy.

  2. I definitely agree. I support the health care reform, and it continues to amaze me how uneducated the general public is about the reform. The American health care system is in desperate need of reform, and we need both democrats and republicans to agree to make some important changes.
