Monday, October 25, 2010

These Links are HELPFUL

This government sponsored website provides video references and “real-life” stories based on how health care reform affects the patients of America. The website also proved helpful because it provides a tool on “The Affordable Care Act: How it helps you”, which shows how the health care reform act increases health security and provides information on how it affects various ethnic, sexual, and age groups across the health care spectrum.
Though this website is a White House sponsored website and therefore shows a great deal of bias, it helped in writing my analysis post. Comparing the opinion of politicians such as President Obama who support the healthcare reform with politicians who did not was essential in the post. This site provided the opinion of the Democratic Party.
The Republican Party opinion was found in this website. As stated earlier, comparing the opinion of politicians who support health care reform with those who do not was essential for the analysis post in developing why health care reform provided polarized sides. This site displays the Republican Party opinion through factual evidence about what Republicans feel is morally justified for health care reform.
This website is essentially a blog that post links and articles that are based on health care reform. This website proved helpful not only because it was un-biased, but also because of the amount of background information through articles that the website provided.
Though this link was one of the shorter links used as evidence, it was a legitimate site that deals with health care across the state of North Carolina. The website gave situations as to how “buying health insurance” and “using health insurance” will change with the new health care reform bill. This site was helpful because of how involved Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) is at the current time.
Because I only used this website one time, it was essential in developing a theory about how unemployment rates and number of uninsured US residents may be directly related. The website was a factually driven analysis showing that as the percent of unemployed Americans increased, the number of uninsured Americans also increased.
This is the literal text of “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009”. Having the actual text of the bill which I am blogging about proved to be helpful because I could reference back to this website when I had questions about other websites opinions or the bias that I tended to find.
This website showed how the costs of health care in America compared with other countries including Europe and Canada. Though this did help with the analysis post, it also proved helpful with other posts when trying to decipher why people thought health care reform was extremely expensive.

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