Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do you remember....that one lawsuit?

If you have been reading my blog on the “reg” then you should remember a lawsuit that I wrote about a few weeks ago between 20 states that claimed that the recent health care reform bill was unconstitutional. Well, the federal judge who ruled over the case gave the states an early victory last Thursday in rejecting Obama’s administration from throwing out the lawsuit. The US District Judge Roger Vinson, who ironically was appointed by Ronald Reagan, did not outright claim whether the bill was unconstitutional or not. The judge concluded that the issues were unclear and that further review of the bill would be required before he made an official decision on the lawsuit. The twenty states, which claim that the health-care legislation expands federal power beyond what it would be, have a case hearing set for December 16, 2010. Many followers of this case believe that the lawsuit is controversial enough that the US Supreme Court will pick the case up.
This lawsuit essentially brings up the idea that many Americans and even states still do not support the health care reform act. Should the bill still be put into place and implemented into society if so many Americans do not agree with what the bill is doing? I still believe that the question truly lies as to whether Americans are educated enough about the bill to make decisions as to whether it is constitutional or not. Sure the bill can be seen as an overextension of the national governments power which in a federalist society is unconstitutional. But I think Americans need to weigh the pros and cons of the bill, become more educated about the bill, and then argue the bill.


  1. I think that you have a valid point about how people need to become more educated on the issue, before they argue over the bill. It would be difficult to form a reasonable and fair opinion if someone does not have all of the facts.

  2. I completely agree with what you are saying here. I feel that there are many people who say they disapprove of the new bill solely because someone they know feels the same way. People definetely need to become more educated on the bill before they can make educated descions on whether or not they approve of the bill. I really hope that people take the time to fully understand this new law so the right descion can be made on what to do about it in the future.

  3. Thank you for agreeing with me. I feel like a more educated America would also make a more well-rounded voting and debating pool for America to argue their issues with a subject.
