Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Classmates Blogs...

                I found this blog interesting because of the amount of similarities that it held with my issue. Obama’s economic plan and health care plan directly affect one another. Think about it; if Obama decides to spend more money on the economy, there will hopefully be more people at work and possibly less uninsured people in America. The more the economy changes the more or less universal health care is needed. Through research on this blog and for health care I have come to the realization that health care today definitely needs changes. Through the implementation of the health care reform bill, more jobs will be created in the medical field and hopefully more Americans will be put to work. This revitalization of the economy has not come cheap, displayed throughout this blog. I enjoyed the comparisons made throughout the blog with president’s economic plans throughout history, especially Obamanamics Vs. Reaganomics.
                Though this blog has nothing to do with my topic I found it interesting because I have always had an opinion about illegal immigration but never fully understood why. This blog made it clear that immigration in America is a growing issue that nearly every politician tries to deal with in some way. Illegal immigrants will affect the way that health care reform will be implemented. Health care will be implemented through increases on taxes on a large portion of legal Americans. Because illegal immigrants do not actually pay taxes, they will receive benefits that are not right fully theirs. This blog just helped me develop my opinion further on illegal immigration and how Americans should be involved, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
                This blog was just interesting to read. The recent events that presented the idea that a mosque might actually be built along the site of ground zero was shocking to me at first. But as I read this blog I began to realize the true facts about the mosque. It’s not actually just a mosque and it was actually not being built on the site of ground zero, but a few blocks away. This just goes back to prove that before anyone judges anything they need to actually learn about the subject they are arguing and have a full understanding of what is going on. This blog made that statement very clear to me. I found the articles interesting and the pertinence to current events was great.

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