Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Implications Post

               As of right now the American health insurance field has issues that many patients and Americans can attest to. Recent statistics have shown that nearly 47 million Americans are living without health insurance, 8.7 million are children. Working families are currently experiencing double-digit increases in the cost of their individual health insurance and are paying more for out-of-pocket costs due to doctor’s visits. These scary numbers are evidence that health care insurance reform is essential for all Americans.
                The bill provides health insurance for all legal Americans while also providing adequate coverage under your parent’s insurance plan until the age of 26, an appeal to many college aged Americans. Though the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the health care reform bill will cost over $940 billion, it will cut the current economic deficit by $130 billion over the next ten years. Many Americans however have found that universal health insurance in France and Great Britain show economic difficulties as well as detriments on the coverage of certain prescription drugs. Great Britain has shown a mass increase in their own economic deficit and many citizens have reported dissatisfaction with their healthcare because of the period of time it takes to have an appointment with a doctor. However, Obama and his administration have made sure that time is of importance, making sure that Americans who need appointments receive them as soon as they can.
                I understand that many Americans do not agree with universal health care, but if health insurance stays in its current state the patients of America will be harmed. Too many people do not receive health insurance and though some make the choice not to receive health insurance, their children cannot make that decision. The economic deficit will continue to grow, causing more Americans to lose jobs and thus lose their health insurance.

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