Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Self-Analysis Post

When I began writing this blog I knew exactly how I felt about health care reform; simply nothing should have been done and the issue should have been left alone. i was a firm believer in the fact that the American health insurance field was perfectly fine, adequate resources were available to all and there should be no money spent on reforming health care. What I began to find however was the complete opposite of my own theory. America was the number one spender in the world on health care, boasting the most expensive system in the world per capita. What I did not realize is that nearly 47 million Americans, 8 million which are children, do not have health insurance. I figured that most Americans had health insurance. I also started to find that the polarized sides on the issue were mainly divided along the lines of the monetary value of the bill. What many uneducated Americans did not realize about the bill was that both sides, republican and democrat, wanted the age under which children can stay with their parents insurance was the age of 26. The amount of time I spent writing this blog allowed me to realize that there are usually always going to be two sides to every issue, sometimes with overlap. I also learned that my opinions about a subject can change with added research. I started to accept both sides of the issue and blog with less republican bias; I felt health insurance was more of a humane issue than any political issue. Socialist or Dictator, whatever you choose to call president Obama, he has a good point when it comes to health care reform. Through these common stigmas on Obama, I found very interesting websites that allowed me to develop counterarguments to further develop my opinion on health care reform. When I started this blog, I really only understood a very uneducated version of a “republican” side about health insurance reform. Simply stated, I did not believe health care reform should have been implemented. Through writing this blog I have realized that I must always take into account both sides of an issue and always educate me about the issue. This blog project has expanded my knowledge about a very controversial issue. Health Care Reform is essential (didn’t think I would say that a month ago?!).

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