Monday, October 4, 2010

       Healthcare in the future will limit procedures that doctors and hospitals can perform due to the fact that the procedures will increase in their cost. The changes that will come about from the “Obamacare” bill will allow young adults to remain under their parents’ insurance as well as allowing people with costly medical issues to be confident that they will be covered regardless of their conditions. However, the question remains as to how people will go about attaining these new services. More Americans will be seeking the services of hospitals and doctors, which will be in a severe shortage in North Carolina since the state has a larger percent of uninsured Americans, 25% or 1.8 million adults, than the national average of 22.5%. The new healthcare law looks to increase the supply of services that hospitals provide, especially where the largest shortages of procedures lie. What may surprise many Americans and Democrats in congress is that these efforts of increasing procedures in hospitals will take time; time that many people see as a waste. Time can be used in many different ways to increase the ability for Americans to buy their own health insurance. Rather than providing health insurance to Americans, why not try to increase the unemployment rate which recently hit an all-time low in North Carolina? At 10.7%, a value that has doubled since Obama took office, North Carolina embarrassingly boasts the fourth highest unemployment rate across the country. The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that for every 1% increase in the unemployment rate nationwide, there is a 1.1% increase in the nationwide percentage of Americans without health insurance. The focus right now should be the increasing unemployment rate across America which will amplify the number of citizens who can afford healthcare.


  1. Edit:
    This Post is Titled "The Implications of Healthcare on North Carolina"

  2. When Obama announced that he was doing a healthcare bill for all citizens to have health insurance, I thought it was a good idea. I did not know that this new form of healthcare would limit procedures that doctors and hospitals can perform. Allowing young adults to remain under their parents’ insurance is going to be very beneficial because as students first get out of college, there is no guarantee they will have a job with insurance. I agree that more Americans will go to the hospitals or doctors for their services, but I still think many Americans would also use the services of young adults being on parent’s insurance and people with costly medical problems will always be covered under any conditions. There is one place where I was confused about this issue. I do not understand why we should want the unemployment rate t increase. I thought we would want the unemployment rate to decrease because that means more people have jobs, which in turn means more people have healthcare insurance.

  3. Correction: The unemployment rate should DECREASE to improve the number of American's covered by health insurance at their own costs.
