Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let me introduce myself...

As a republican born and raised, my stance on healthcare is a strong shade of red. When Obama first introduced the topic of universal healthcare, which interestingly occurred after he was elected and inaugurated in office, I immediately understood that “Obamacare” was something that would consume the television for the next what seemed like a century. I didn’t understand how in such a diverse country as the United States of America that any person, including the “indestructible” President Obama would be able to provide adequate healthcare to every citizen. How would small businesses be affected? How would the economic depression be exaggerated? Are illegal immigrants covered by this new healthcare?
Europe immediately came to mind. As a continent that provides healthcare for all of its citizens, even illegals, many people view Europe as an appealing place to live. Essentially every detail in the medical field is covered. Recently however, prices have skyrocketed in European health procedures. These high costs for medical surgeries and practices have shown a boost in death and disease all over Europe. Obama cites not directly copying the European health care system, but rather competing against private health insurance agencies which will add to the overall deficit of the country.
Throughout this blog, I know I am going to find sources that are either completely for or against “Obamacare”. My stance on the issue is going to be tested and I am prepared to defend my opinion on universal healthcare. I will make sure to cover both sides of the issue; however, I don’t see a deficit over $700 trillion as a very appealing way to accept a new form of health coverage. I feel there are different solutions to our countries healthcare issues that I will cover throughout my blog.  


  1. After hearing about the health care bill, I had the exact same reaction that you have. There was no way that having government-provided health care for every American could be beneficial! By costing tax payers more money, the bill can't be that helpful. But during your research, I would be curious to know if everyone has to pay for this insurance or if private insurances will still be available to those who want it. Also, it would be noteworthy to know what the new insurance gives each individual. Is it limited to certain procedures or no?

  2. I will make sure to touch on these issues. I don't think many Americans understand what the difference between the Republican healthcare plan and the Democrat healthcare plan. Also I have realized through research that many Americans support the "Obamacare" plan and do not actually understand what the bill contains.
