Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Life experiences...

                Healthcare is affordable for all people; in a sense. When I was younger it was never an issue for my mom to take me to the doctor’s office when I was younger because our family had health insurance. I never thought people went without the ability to go to the doctor, sometimes having to diagnose an illness for themselves and pick out medicine they might feel would work. As I grew older I learned from visiting my dad’s family that health insurance wasn’t a luxury for all people. The summer of my sophomore year in particular I recall my uncle hurting his elbow to the point that it could not move. After urging him for hours to go to the hospital, he admitted he did not have health insurance because he could not afford it. Now a little side note, at this point neither my uncle nor aunt had a steady job. This revelation got me to realizing that health insurance was not something every member of my family or even some Americans had. However, to finish the story, when I was visiting my uncle the next summer he again hurt some part of his leg. Without hesitation, my aunt rushed him to the doctor’s office. The hastiness my aunt took in getting my uncle to the doctor made me realize that they again had health insurance. Another side note, my uncle had received a job from a small company in the area. This post got me to thinking that there still may be a direct correlation between getting a job and health insurance. I believe the focus right now should be on improving the American economy which will in return affect the percent of Americans with health insurance.


  1. I agree that people should work for a living but what if they don't? Maybe they deserve to go with out somethings but what this post fails to recognize is the large number of Americans who aren't to blame. What about the children whose parents do not have jobs and the elderly who cant afford health insurance and are past the age of being able to reenter the work force. This is not the only problem with this "don't work don't eat" concept, you are entitling forgetting about people with disease like juvenile diabetes who can not afford private insurance. It is unfair that one these Americans are limited to the jobs they can take based of the private corporations health polices. Although fixing the economy is a crucial step in improvising the lives of our citizens to neglect these other issues is to neglect the responsibility of government.

  2. I see where you are coming from however this is what Medicare is created for, caring for the older generations. What needs to happen instead of an entire remodeling of the healthcare system is a revampment of the Medicare system. Though this will be costly, in the long-run it would be more effective than the new healthcare plan.
