Wednesday, October 13, 2010

7 most IMPORTANT points to take from the bill

Through research in attempting to create my analysis post, I have found what I believe to be the 7 most important or influential changes that the health care reform bill have placed on American citizens. These changes include:
1.       More Health Care Jobs- the new bill will add an additional 33 million jobs for unemployed Americans. However these jobs will require a large medical demand. The research I have also found show that getting a degree in the medical field can take as few as a couple of months.
2.       Insurance cannot drop you- the new bill does not allow health insurance companies to cancel your policy if you become sick or ill.
3.       No maximum limit on coverage- health insurance companies will not be allowed to place caps on coverage when the cost of your treatment increases.
4.       Everyone must have medical insurance- the new law requires every American citizen to purchase health insurance or face the risk of being fined. If your employer or you cannot afford to purchase your own health insurance, the government will be able to provide assistance.
5.       Kids can stay on your health insurance policy until they are 26-no more leaving the nest too soon. Right now many insurance companies require children to get their own insurance at the age of 19, which will no longer be allowed when the new bill is passed.
6.       Insurance cannot deny you- no children will be denied coverage because they have a pre-existing condition that companies do not want to cover.
7.       No more waiting time- your pre-existing conditions will not prevent you from getting coverage with a waiting period of 6 months.
I hope these points made the changes that the health care reform bill will bring more clear and understandable.

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